Questions & Answers

Why did it show that the parcels Held by customer / Held by destination?

  • During the process of customs clearance, the parcel might be hold by customer. The recipients should get connect with customs to cooperate with the customs clearance

Are there any other expressions of Waiting for Picking-up?

  • Awaiting Collection
  • A delivery attempt was made
  • Try to contact by telephone to arrange for delivery
  • Try to contact by telephone to arrange for delivery to the address
  • Waiting for withdrawal
  • First Notification to recipient
  • Noticed
  • A reminder has been sent to the recipient
  • and ect.

Why did it show that the parcel is delay on delivery?

  • When your parcel is delay on delivery, it may result from the invalid address or telephone number of the recipient. In this situation, the recipient should try to get connect with the post office.

Why did nothing update after the state of Arrival at Destination?

  • It was generally because the information haven’t updated by the destination country. We suggest the recipient consult to the local post office for more information.

Was the tracking information of every parcel that was returned shown RETURN?

  • No.
  • If the returning is result from the recipient’s not picking up the parcel within the time offered by the post office, the tracking information will be shown as Unclaimed or Storage term expired.
  • If the returning is result from the unclear address or telephone number, the parcel will not be able to get the local post office and be returned, the tracking information will be shown as Unsuccessful delivery.
  • If the returning is result from the unsuccessful security check, the tracking information will be shown as Item detained (unfit for Airmail delivery ) and returned to sender ” .